Wild Sim's 2 The New Genration


Welcome to Wild Sim's 2 The New Genration,
This is a place i have created for you to come and get great downloads
from ,
i have been really working on this sight , i have took and put
alot of effort in to this sight for you , here you can find new's,
Storyies from my sim life's and more,
This sight is a free web sight , with no asking for donation's or
Makeing you pay for it, my sight is totally free,
I wont you to feel right at home when you come to the sight,
i wont to make this sight as good as my other one's
i hope many of you will keep comming back for more
I usally put alot on my sim sight's trust me (lol)
My name Is Kenneth
I have been playing sims for a while now, learn more
about me on my about me page , feel at home
Love kenneth.

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